Finding yourself goes beyond everyday tasks. You need to look closer and review your thoughts and motivations. Periodically examining them, the decisions you decide on, strengthening relationships with friends and loved ones, and also conversing with many people on spiritual websites can help. There are some things to know when looking for yourself.
When it comes to spirituality for you and people like yourself, beliefs and science have differing views on matters of spiritualism. Established religion views people as those residing in this place, while science dictates the spirit as just one dimension of an being. This is a on-going theme in both Western and Eastern teachings. The necessities of the body are acknowledged but made under the inner needs. Beliefs, values, morality, rules, experiences, and honorable work provide the structure to make sure of one's growth.
Whether we judge that life's purpose is planned ahead or done by oneself and grow some sort of spirituality is unpredictable to everyone. We do not know the full meaning of our lives at birth, as it is not written out like a magazine; but over time, we gain knowledge and wisdom from friends and those that we have interacted with. As we find out this meaning, there are sure beliefs that we tend to decline and affirm. Our lives have some purpose which puts all of our physical and emotional potentials into use while sustains us during hard times; and gives us something to look forward to---a goal to attain, a destination to reach. A lone person without purpose is like in the middle of nowhere, that is why we need someone of like a spiritual guide to show us the way.
If you still feel like you need more time to see yourself, go online and seek it. There are a number of resources out there that can help you achieve your goals. A start would be to seek out people with the same goal. Many suggest that joining online spiritual websites or forums can help you out.