The only fact that cannot be debated is that when dreaming you switch off your conscious and subconscious comes to rule.
The dreaming can appear a serious means for solving vital problems. When we get the gift of Morpheus our conscious gets free of limited boring life. Everything is possible in the world of dreaming. The things we used to refuse in reality we easily accept while dreaming. But some men don’t refuse what they see during dreams. Great masterpieces and discoveries appeared because these people could accept their dreams and apply their ideas in real life.
- 1. Nostradamus used to see most of our future in his dreams. He described these things in his well known quatrains. Now we have his great works and try to prevent some incidents we don’t want to see in the future.
- 2. An outstanding chemist Dmitry Mendeleev saw his periodical table when dreaming. He was working for a long time but something prevented him from finishing the table. He could see relations between elements but he could not build the table using them. And after a happy dreaming he quickly woke up and began drawing his dream on the paper. The table was completed.
- 3. The Violin Sonata in G minor, more famously known as the Devil's Trill Sonata by Guiseppe Tartini is still one of magnificent musical compositions, technically hard to play. It started when Tartini saw the Devil in his dreams. The Devil asked Tartini to be his music teacher. At the end of the lesson Tartini handed him the violin and asked to play something in purpose to try the devil’s talent. The devil started playing and played so virtuously that Tartini was struck. After waking up the composer tried to write all he had heard and now the humankind has a great musical masterpiece. But Tartini assured that the composition differed from original very greatly.
- 4. Niels Henrik David Bohr also saw his famous model of atom in his dreams about planets coming round Sun.
- 5. Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz was very nervous trying to solve a riddle of benzene molecule. It lacked the hydrogen atoms but he could not find the solution. He dreamed that he was at a ball. Molecules were dancing and some of them looked like snakes. Suddenly one of them bit its tail. And this image got into Kekule’s mind so that the molecule structure contained a six-membered ring of carbon atoms. “Let’s see dreams”, he said.
- 6. Otto Loewi discovered the process of nervous system. Using this process nervous system regulates heart breaking. He dreamed of an experiment and he recognized that transmissions of nerve impulses are chemical, not electrical. But the joke was when he wrote his dream he couldn’t make it out. He said that day was the most horrible in his life and all day he spent trying to remember what he had dreamt. Nevertheless, at the end of all he won the Noble Prize for what he saw once while dreaming.
- 7. One ever interested in spirit and souls knows Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Most of his masterpiece Italian Master saw when dreaming.
- 8. Do you like costumes you wear? It’s hard to believe but the old sewing machines were hard to use. One American tailor named Elias Howe was trying to work out his first sewing machine. But the needle of it was quite hard to use for its eye was either in the middle of a needle or at the top of it. Elias had a terrible nightmare: he was caught by cannibals threatening to eat him unless he invented a new model of machine. He saw that the spears in cannibals’ arms had eyes at the end of weapon. When awaking, he drew a new machine model the one tailors use nowadays.
- 9. A Hungarian writer Laszlo Biro used to make his shirts dirty with ink and he was very cross with this fact. So, in 1938 he dreamed that many men were staring at his work outside and annoying him very much. He took his gun and tried to shoot but only ink appeared out of the gun. After Biro had woken up, he began writing down the balls he saw and making calculations. So the world was presented a ball pen.
- 10. Alan Huang had many attempts to make an optical schema for Bell Laboratories in the early 90s. The schema would give possibility to change all electronics inside a computer. Alan saw the same dream over and over again as mailmen were carrying mails moving along corridors. But at a cross of corridors they always had traffic jam. But, happily, one day he dreamt that all mailmen started passing through one another like ghosts. And Alan understood the photons but not electrons have such property. Now all optical computers use this peculiarity.
Dreaming is a natural finish of every passed day. They say a dream recovers one’s health and strength. But at the same time repeating nightmare can take man’s patience away for a long time. No matter how it happens, try to see the reverse side of this for a nightmare may be a signal for something or a solution for some special problem of yours. Let’s see dreams…
I really relate to that. I often wake with answers to problems I just could not solve during the day.
And I action them.
It's so true!
1. Nostradamus - I still question him because it happened so long ago and so many of is quatrains[sic] could be interpreted in so many ways. I do admit that the Himler quatrain (among a very few others) are provocative.
3. Guiseppe Tartini - very interesting. Reminds me of the song "Devil went down to Georgia" by The Charlie Daniels Band (I wonder if there's a relationship here). Also, if you ever read the writings of Zecharia Sitchin regarding ancient astronauts, you'll note that it was Enki (The Devil) that was very helpful toward humans, helping them in many ways including information on how to build the ark and survive the flood. I'm not saying it's true, just saying that many people think that eventually theories from various other studies can be tied together - perhaps - to help us find some real truths.
Good article, I enjoyed reading it but for discussions of this type, sources are very important. Looking forward to your next article but first... 'To sleep... perchance to dream'...
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