King Pasenadi also turned into Buddhism doctrine. It happened in the following way. Once upon a day King Pasenadi had sixteen disturbing dreams. His family Brahman-priest explained this fact by the influence of evil spirits and said that it was need in a big sin offering. But Buddha, invited by Malika interpreted it in a favorable for the King sense. After that Pasenadi became Buddhist layman.
Buddha never left his faithful adherent, but always supported his devoted follower. When dear spouses quarreled, Buddha always reconciled the King with his wife, and permanently stood up for Malika. Buddha told King Pasenadi about their love in the previous lives and how they suffered living separately. In one of the stories Buddha told that Malika did not leave her beloved one even when he developed leprosy.
Also Buddha delivered posthumous sermon after Malika death. And every day King Pasenadi went to Buddha in order to know about post mortal life of his wife.
Obviously, in this case Buddha acted as exemplary “family priest”, penetrating into family by the wife (women as is known are distinguished by heightened religiosity), was dedicated to all the twists and turns of married life and performed spiritual guidance. Within tradition this behavior was not treated as a lucky chance, reflecting real relations with a concrete family, but it rather represents a vivid example of interaction between a monk and a churchwoman. This is an example that in general must follow all Buddhist monks.
Thus, in the early Buddhism attitude towards a woman was not ideal, but it offered to a woman great opportunities for spiritual growth, rather than other doctrine at that times. A woman could totally leave her secular life, become a nun and devote herself completely to the way of liberation during this life. Those ones who were not ready to take such radical decisions Buddhism proposed vast space for religious activity and moral perfection, with the hope to find peace, gain more perfection in the next birth and achieve liberation. No doubt that Buddhism spread fast and widely in India due to that woman was allowed as well as supported taking part in Buddhism.
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